Welcome to InnoSuper – Innovation by Supervising
Supervisors are important drivers in the development of young talent
As a (day-to-day) supervisor of e.g. PhD students or specialists in the scientific, technical and infrastructural areas, you are crucial for the promotion of our talents and young scientists, and thus for the innovative strength of our centers - a diverse and at the same time challenging task.
Alex also faces challenges in the following comic and video. See and read how Alex discovers the possibilities of transfer and what helps supervisors get closer to their goals.
What does that mean for you?
Our three-part training program for supervisors offers you in-depth knowledge in the field of transfer and innovation. Learn how to strengthen the transfer potential of your team and thus your position as a driving force in research and development!
Become part of the transfer community and share your newly gained knowledge with the persons supervised by you. The InnoSuper program is open to everyone having a supervisory role and work at one of the participating Helmholtz centers FZJ, KIT, HZDR and GFZ.
More Impact
InnoSuper offers you new opportunities for you and your working group
Gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of the concepts in the transfer of research
Explore how to seamlessly integrate transfer and innovation topics into your supervision
Learn how to identify and support transfer activities in your group

InnoSuper: An opportunity for supervisors to ensure transfer successes in their teams long-term
We know that as employees of the research centers, you strive to push the boundaries of knowledge and make a significant impact on the world. InnoSuper is your support on this journey, providing you with insights and highlighting ressources for bridging the gap between scientific discoveries and their practical applications.
By “transfer”, we mean the transfer and application of scientific results in society and industry. There are many different ways to live transfer. Whether basic research or application-oriented research, there is a suitable transfer path for everyone.
Transfer Pathways
Cooperation and Utilization
Application of research results for social and economic benefit
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Relationship Management
Building and developing personal relationships for possible later transfer activities
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Provision of technical (large-scale equipment, databases) and non-technical equipment (libraries, collections)
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Teaching entrepreneurial thinking and supporting start-up activities
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Transfer-oriented teaching and further education
Involving partners from outside academia in teaching and learning formats
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Advisory of decision-makers and those affected
Formalized activities to support science-based decisions
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Participatory Research
Involvement of social stakeholders in the research process and the development of solutions
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Scientific Dialog
Dialog-oriented formats of science communication with society
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Source: Transferbarometer
Whether you already have a lot of experience or are at the beginning of your career, our program is here to support and encourage you along the way so that you can bring innovation to life in your team.
What to expect

Promoting young talents
Help young scientists or other supervised persons discover benefits from transfer activities and new career opportunities, also outside of science
Become visible
Use the potential of innovation and transfer in your group to increase the visibility of its work and research
Make valuable contacts and expand your professional network
Get support
Discover opportunities to fund transfer activities and the associated research in your group